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Rhode Island Homes For Sale


Must see, newly remodeled 2-3 bedroom ranch/cottage with 2 full baths, situated on a quiet street. Finished basement with potential in-law. Freshly painted. Refinished hardwood floors. Modern kitchen with new appliances, granite countertops, and soft-close cabinets. Big 2-car garage built in stone and concrete. New basement carpet. Vinyl-sided for easy maintenance. New everything - there's nothing to do, other than move in.

87 Stedman St, Pawtucket, RI 02860 - $399,000

Call (401) 354-1187 to see it.


The real estate listings on this site are updated throughout the day directly from the Rhode Island MLS, so you'll always be looking at the latest listings and not outdated listings like many national sites have (i.e. Zillow, Trulia). Click Here for the listings added to the RI MLS in the last seven days.

If you are relocating to Rhode Island from another region of the country, I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about our little, but beautiful state.

The State-Wide Multiple Listing Service (RI MLS) lists properties for the entire state of Rhode Island plus parts of neighboring Massachusetts.

The median price of RI homes for sale is $318,000. At this price, home ownership is possible for a great number of people. For example, on a $300,000 house, if you put down 20%, your mortgage payment will be only around $1,100 per month. This is cheaper than an apartment, but you'll have a backyard, garage, and pride of ownership.

Have questions? Please call me at (401) 354-1187 or contact me here.



From luxury homes to affordable condos, I can help you locate the right property and guide you throughout the buying process. With extensive knowledge of Rhode Island and all its cities, towns, neighborhoods, schools, etc., I'll find you the right home.

No matter if you are relocating into Rhode Island, moving within the state, downsizing, or simply moving to another part of the county, I am here to help you with all your Real Estate needs.

Give me a call today at (401) 354-1187 so I can help you buy your next home.

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When selling a RI home or property you need to work with a real estate agent that understands the local market and can get your property sold to the right buyer, for the right price.

Call me today for a no-pressure home evaluation. I'll explain how I intend to market your home or property using the latest technologies at my disposal. I am at the forefront of Internet marketing, so we'll make your property stand out from the crowd.

Give me a call today at (401) 354-1187 so we can list your home.

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Home Ownership


Karen was very helpful throughout this entire process; we could not have gone through this without her help, especially as first time home buyers. She was very knowledge and did a fantastic job on educating us about the real estate market home buying process to enable us to make the right decision. Any issues that arose she took care of immediately and she was always there to answer any ...

J.C., Greenville, RI

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